Oil Burner Practice Test

Information on Massachusetts Oil Burner Technician Practice Test

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  • This practice test is free. Take it as often as you like.
  • Contains 2 questions.
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  • Passing score is 70%.
  • Correct answer information is provided for questions answered incorrectly.
  • Good luck!
Trade Category: HVACR
Test Category: Oil Burner Technician
Test Subject: Massachusetts Oil Burner Technician
Test Number: 1
Questions on Test: 2
Passing Score: 70%


#1. What is 527 CMR?


Correct answer is D:  Both A and B


527 CMR is Chapter 527 of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations. The title of this chapter is Board of Fire Prevention Regulations.

Chapter 527 CMR covers a bunch of stuff but as an oil burner technician, your main concern will be with Section 4.0 of Chapter 527 which is titled Oil Burning Equipment.

This Oil Burning Equipment section in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations is referred to as 527 CMR 4.00.

There are also subsections to Oil Burning Equipment such as 527 CMR 4.02 Definitions.

The index would logically look like this:



527 CMR 4.01: Scope

527 CMR 4.02: Definitions

527 CMR 4.03: General Requirements

527 CMR 4.04: Oil Burners, Light Fuel Oil Type

527 CMR 4.05: Oil Burners, Heavy Fuel Oil Type

527 CMR 4.06: Range Oil Burners

527 CMR 4.07: Room Heaters, Water Heaters and Miscellaneous Oil Burning Equipment

527 CMR 4.08: Referenced Publications

(527 CMR: Board of Fire Prevention Regulations)

#2. The scope of 527 CMR 4.00 (Massachusetts Oil Burner Equipment Regulation) does not cover


Correct answer is B:  Internal combustion engines


527 CMR 4.01: Scope:

(1) 527 CMR 4.00 shall apply to the installation of oil burning equipment that has the principal intent of producing heat. It applies to oil-fired  stationary equipment, including but not limited to industrial, commercial, and residential-type steam, hot water, or warm air heating plants; domestic-type range burners and space heaters; portable oil burning equipment; and, further, including all accessory equipment and control systems, whether electric, thermostatic, or mechanical, and electrical wiring in connection therewith. 527 CMR 4.00 shall not apply to diesel fueled engines.

(2) 527 CMR 4.00 does not apply to internal combustion engines, oil lamps, and portable devices such as blow torches, melting pots, and weed burners.

(3) 527 CMR 4.00 shall not apply to fuel oil burners installed in steam boilers of nine horsepower and over and operated above 15 PSI both conditions existing based on M.G.L. c.146 48, Licenses of Engineers and Firemen, but shall apply to the fuel oil storage tank, permit or license in connection therewith.

(527 CMR: Board of Fire Prevention Regulations)