Associated Apparatus

Electrical Code

Associated Apparatus (as applied to Hazardous (Classified) Locations)

Apparatus in which the circuits are not necessarily intrinsically safe themselves but that affects the energy in the intrinsically safe circuits and is relied on to maintain intrinsic safety. Such apparatus is one of the following:

(1) Electrical apparatus that has an alternative type of protection for use in the appropriate hazardous (classified) location.
(2) Electrical apparatus not so protected that shall not be used within a hazardous (classified) location.

Informational Note No. 1: Associated apparatus has identified intrinsically safe connections for intrinsically safe apparatus and also may have connections for nonintrinsically safe apparatus.
Informational Note No. 2.: An example of associated apparatus is an intrinsic safe barrier, which is a network designed to limit the energy (voltage and current) available to the protected circuit in the hazardous (classified) location, under specific fault conditions.

(National Electrical Code® 100-1)